Miracle, Luck and Reality

Dr Babajide Alalade

“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.” Quote.

“Circumstances which people do not understand are classified under the heading of luck. Back of every reality is a cause. Sometimes, the cause is so far removed from the effect that the circumstance can be explained only by attributing it to the operation of luck.

Nature knows no such thing as luck. It is a man-made hypothesis with which he explains away things which he does not ( which he does not yet understand). The terms “luck” and “miracle” are twin sisters .

Neither of them has any real existence except in the imaginations of people. Both are used to explain that which people are yet to or do not understand.

Remember this : everything having a real existence is capable of proof.

Folks, if you keep this one truth in mind you would be a sound thinker.

(Culled from Napoleon Hill in Outwitting the Devil).

I still believe in Miracles the happen everyday in my life, and I am sure in yours too. What do you think happens when an oak seed hits the ground (and under appropriate “conditions” becomes a tree as designed by the ‘law of nature’?

It’s a miracle.

Now the question is, “what do you understand by the word “Miracle”?

Let’s think.

By Dr. Babajide Alalade


Obstetrics & Gynaecology; Family, Sexual & Reproductive Health, Clinical Epidemiologist and Author





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