“...Success comes to those who do not waste time comparing what they are doing with what others are doing; it enters the house of the person who says “ I will do my best” everyday. People who seek only success rarely find it, because success is not an end, but a consequence” Obsession doesn’t help either; it only confuses us as...
Change your mental attitude, and the world around you will change accordingly. Your world will become what you choose to make it. You can reach great heights of success, or you can settle for a miserable life that is devoid of hope. The choice is yours. When you choose a positive course, you set in motion an unstoppable force that will...
Finding Your Other......... Everyone has an Other on this planet. And not only one, but many. Finding that person becomes easier when you are willing to show your self, fully and completely. Then your Others will be able to see themselves in you. How can you find your Other if they cannot find you? And how can they find you if you are always...
The safest and best way to punish one who has done you an injustice is to do him or her a kind deed in return. People will always respond in kind, even in greater measure than that which is delivered to them. This commonplace need for retaliation can be replaced with a response designed to convert an enemy into a friend. If...
True Friendship
Friendship recognizes faults in friends but does not speak of them. True friendship acknowledges imperfections, accepts them as part of our individual makeup, and focuses on our positive aspects instead of expounding upon our faults, and you can make friends everywhere, like in sites online, such as chatempanada.com that is great to make friends. Your friends don’t like you to comment upon...