Miracles In your search for the secret of the method, do not look for a miracle, because you will not find it. You will find only the eternal laws of nature. Know this, history repeats itself we are told, but let me add this extra phrase today to put it in perspective: “History repeats itself, but in a different way”. Let’s stop getting...
“The Power of Questions: Why or What” … “Why?” is the most useless question in the universe. The only question with any meaning is “What?” Asking “Why is this happening?” can only disempower you. Asking “What do I want to make of this?” does exactly the opposite. Here is a great secret: the Why of anything is to produce the What of everything.   Think about that for a...
………This Day God wants us to know this that Acceptance of the present, who we are is the Key to a life of true happiness. To live a wholesome life, accepting one self as a perfect being created by God, in His image is paramount, in fact this is an important part of communicating (talking) with God. #CWG Enjoy your Day… from...
“…as iron sharpens iron” jidayph Mind Shift, Wealth Creation 0 If you to want reap bountiful harvest, you must plant. If you want joy, make someone happy. The laws of sowing and reaping, is governed by the law of seed, it is a universal law, And since it is a law it works for whosoever applies it, whether young or old, rich or...
The two kinds of people who never get ahead are those who will not do what they are told and those who do only what they are told. It’s hard to say which would be more discouraging: drifting from job to job because you’re always the first to be laid off, or laboring in monotonous obscurity at the same job. The...