Success attracts success and failure attracts failure because of the law of harmonious attraction. In physics, positives attract negatives and vice versa, but in human relationships the opposite is true. Negative people attract only other negative people, while positive thinkers attract like-minded individuals. You will find that when you begin to achieve success more successes will follow. This is the law of...
Do you know that as you try and work out “how” your desire will come about, you are actually pushing your desire away from you? As you try and work out “how” you can make your desire happen, you are sending a huge message to the Universe that you do not have your desire. And if you’re not emanating the exact...
Never tear down anything unless you are prepared to build something better in its place. This rule applies to both individuals and things. It’s easy to criticize other people thoughtlessly for their shortcomings, and equally easy to find fault in their work or in situations that are not to your liking. It is far more difficult to be a builder...
The best recommendation is the one you give yourself by rendering superior service — with the right mental attitude. What others think of you is important, as long as it coincides with what you think of yourself. If you are recognized by others as a positive person who always makes an important contribution, you will be in demand, for there are...
No one is capable of giving direction unless he or she knows how to take directions and carry them out. An essential quality of leadership is developing the ability to persuade others to align their goals with yours and those of the organization. Until you, yourself, are able to join forces with others in the pursuit of a common objective, you...