“…today,God wants you to know that miracles do not break the laws of nature but validate it”

A reader sent a reply to that above, clearly stating that she disagreed.

Hence my response below: “You may be right. You may be wrong. Sometimes facts may sound absurb. There is a law of Cause and Effect, and miracles do not invalidate it in any way. Miracles happen every day, texting you here is a miracle from the “idea -conception” to all working of wireless technology!

Trust me, I have witnessed miracles , these are daily occurrences in my life, at a particular time, when all my life and career seem over and I called for an intervention of The Power above me, I was saved and I am saved, but none of it ,none of it violated the laws of nature as set forth in motion by God the miracle worker.

The Power that sets the laws of day and night ,and seasons in force, kept the world spinning is always at work.

God does not set laws that He breaks, He fulfils them, He validates, ” we understand in part and know in part”.

Few years ago perhaps, twenty-five odd years ago, the smart phone idea as it today would be an impossible ,but TODAY, here we are, and in ten years to come what we have in our hands would be a “sincere joke”!

“Perhaps what I meant is not what you have in mind about miracles, perhaps there is a “fine line of misconception” concerning miracles and luck”, today.

In fact luck doesn’t exist, luck and opportunity always favours the prepared mind, whether as a nation or as individuals.

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” Gen 8:22



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