Hi Everyone and Good afternoon,
I’m sure you’ve heard this time and time again.
Someone comes up to you and offers you this – a confirmed way to get rich.
But I assure you, this is different.

“….Money makes the world go round?”

Money makes the world go round. Everyday, at every hour, a whole population on the planet is working hard to earn a decent living. But how much do we need till we are satisfied?
Till we are finally happy? What if I told you, I figured out a way to be richer beyond your means?

“Invest your Time”

As the title says, I’m going to share the secret with you.
3 Ways to be Incredibly Rich

1) Invest your Time
Spend time with your family. Spend time with your friends. Spend time with your passions. No matter how busy you are, chasing money is never as important. Money cannot buy back lost moments. We only have a limited time on this Earth, and to be truly rich does not lie with how much paper and coins you have.

While money is necessary, don’t let it dictate your life. As you prioritize your loved ones and your passions, you increase the chances of attracting a career that allows you a healthy balance and aligns to your interests.

There will always be a way to make it work; earn a living and have amazing relationships.
Be rich in love. Be passionate about life, and always remember to invest your time with what you truly care about in life.

Street in Key West

2) Health is Wealth
There is no point in having millions in the bank, but being unable to enjoy it. Each time you miss a night’s sleep, skip proper meals or neglect on occasional exercise for work, ask yourself: ‘Is the money I’m earning more valuable than my heart? than my brain? than my kidney?’

Chances are, it’s not. We often overlook the most valuable asset we have – our bodies.
Instead of building a fortune and spending it all back with medical bills in your golden years, you should take care of your body. Drink enough water. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise per week. Eat proper meals. Take breaks away from the computer to rest your eyes every now and then.

Most importantly, have proper sleep.
A few conscious decisions in prioritizing your health goes a long way. Make it a habit to choose health over wealth.
Be rich in health. Allow yourself to enjoy the rewards of your hard-earned money in the future.

View of the Caribbean Sea

3) Enjoy Priceless Luxuries
The media has altered our minds. They show you different products and services, and make you want it. Advertisements are shown so much it makes you think you need it. So you work hard. Only to spend your paycheck on something trendy.

Branded clothing.The latest technology. Cosmetic surgery.
It’s alright to splurge sometimes, but do these really make us happy? Or does it just build on to the facade of happiness all around? Look back into your fondest memories, and you’ll realize that your happiest moments usually involved immaterial experiences. You may remember the fond smell of familiar cooking. Or the warm feeling of relaxing at your favourite place with your favourite people.

Finally, I’m sure there will at least be an image of someone smiling at you as you reminisce.

The sweetest, most genuine smile that you have ever seen.

How did it make you feel?

Be rich in priceless luxuries. Enjoy the little moments in life. Seek out new experience.

Appreciate the occasional smile from a stranger, cherish times with loved ones, and even be grateful for good weather. Be content with intangible experiences, and you will always be satisfied.

Personally, these are so much better than being financially rich. And I truly hope that you feel the same way, because these are just some things, that money can never buy.

So be rich in love, health and priceless luxuries, and share your abundance with the world. Because if you seek these three riches, everything else, including money will work out for itself. May you achieve happiness with this realization, and I look forward to sharing more with you.

To Living Your Best Life,
Benji Malta, Founder, Lifestyle Codex

Enjoy your Day… from Dr Babajide Alalade.
Keep moving…….life’s Good with God.
#mindmasterseries #thewayiseeit


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